Wednesday, March 21, 2012


Mandy Nagy aka The Liberty Chick has posted a report from last weeks DJ Breitbart project. Here are some excerpts.

Anyone who followed Andrew on Twitter or knew him personally was well aware of one thing about the happy warrior: he loved his retro and 70s/80s Brit Synth-Pop music. It was an undeniable and endearing trait of Andrew’s persona.
Every so often, we were treated to Andrew Breitbart, the DJ. He’d take a break from taunting his adversaries on Twitter or retweeting hate tweets to share some of his favorite music tracks with tweeps, hash-tagging them #DJBreitbart.
And so it was a fitting tribute last Sunday when, for 24 hours straight, 24 Twitter DJs - bloggers, activists, employees and friends of Andrew – took to Twitter to blast out links to tunes, each tweet accompanied by commentary about the song or about Andrew himself.

Mandy also talks with DJ Breitbart's creator, Evan Pokroy about how this all came together.
I had seen everybody in my timeline talking about fighting the fight and retweeting the hate tweets and all the disgusting things that were being said [about Andrew].
I remember most of my personal interactions with Andrew were about music and how he just loved to stop for a while and tweet about it. So, I thought what would be the most fitting way to remember him, without all the hate and anger that the politics engendered in people, would be to go back to the music. So, it kind of evolved from that

You can find a complete set of each of the DJ’s playlists and tweets at The #DJBreitbart Project website.

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